Have you wished you could see what the ark looked like?

Disclaimer: We visited this attraction in the middle of the week, in the middle of the day when Covid numbers were lower. At the present level, I would not feel safe, nor encourage others to visit. The numbers are decreasing, so I am writing this as information for the future when Covid is more under control.

Have you ever wished you could have lived in the days of Noah to see what the ark looked like? Well, visiting the Ark Encounter can be a fun, albeit expensive, trip to see what it might have looked like.

Covid Precautions

They had markers for social distancing. When we arrived, there were no lines at all. I felt very comfortable on the ground floor. Deck 1 was fine as well. However, as we got to level two, I saw fewer people wearing masks and the crowd grew bigger. The third floor was even worse. My husband and I chose not to watch any of the videos and missed some exhibits because of the amount of people. We walked very quickly and superficially through the Ark. We did not eat here or do any of the other extra experiences.


This attraction is expensive. There is a sister attraction as well called the Creation Museum about an hour away. We only visited the Ark, The cost for either attraction individually is 50 bucks for adults, $40 for seniors, $25 for youth 11-17, and free for those under 11. A combo ticket for both is $80 for adults, $70 for seniors, and $45 for youth.

For the Ark, entrance fees do not include the virtual reality experience which would be $15 extra. In addition, the Zip Line is extra, as well as the mining/fossil find. Parking is also extra, though free for certain local counties.

Go to their website to find out current hours and costs.

Religious Background

You should know before you go that these attractions are from Ken Ham, who is also the founder of Answers in Genesis. This organization and therefore these attractions will reflect a young earth perspective. If you are an old earth believer, you need to be aware of this, particularly if you are bringing your children.

The Ark

You cannot see the ark from the parking lot or the road. They bus you from the ticket office to the attraction. Seeing the scope of the ark is truly impressive. There are three levels for the ark.


Inside the three levels of the ark are various exhibits with signage that describes how they think Noah and his family tended the animals. There are also many evangelical displays as well.

Children Exhibits

We passed several children’s sections inside the ark that seemed to be quite interactive, and when Covid leaves, hands-on. Many children were there when we visited, so we did not go inside those sections because of the amount of people.


Outside there is a small zoo of animals.


You have a variety of dining options to choose at the park. Emzara’s Kitchen is a buffet style indoor restaurant. Trip Advisor has reviews and a ton of photos about this option. For outdoor dining, you have Village Smokehouse and Grill, Zofar, and Village Ice Cream and Sweets.


There was also a small playground that children were enjoying when we were there.


Once Covid numbers decline, this would be a great place to visit if you have kids, especially since they are free. However, keep in mind the philosophy behind this attraction and how that fits with your belief system. If you are an old earth Christian, be prepared to discuss the differing points of view offered at the exhibits.

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