Musical Mentor Ronnie Hearn

As I worked on Megan’s senior video last summer, I came across the clip of her playing for the church Fourth of July celebration. Tears rolled down my cheeks—not tears for children growing up too fast, but for the loss of musical mentor, Ronnie Hearn.  For those of you who didn’t have the privilege of knowing him, he is the man on the end on the right side in the peach shirt. The look of joy on his face as he strummed along with her encapsulated the composition of his life.

Ronnie loved fishing, hunting and riding his tractor, but music resonated most with him. He played the guitar with bands such as Still Water and the FBC worship band, and was a founding member of Cedar Creek.

Ronnie talked Megan into playing with them for Fourth of July after he found out she was learning how to fiddle. Encouraging other musicians remained a constant refrain for Ronnie. Whether speaking to our children’s choir about worship, giving the spotlight to younger musicians, or playing for prisoners, the melody of his life centered on God and others.

One summer I served as interim music minister. Though I had plenty of choral experience, I struggled giving instructions to the band. Ronnie’s smile, positive attitude and encouragement guided me through that summer. He strove for harmony in relationships, as well as in his music. He adored his family, the sound of his voice brightening as he talked about going hunting or fishing with Charlie or watching a Ranger game with Holly.

Sometimes on Wednesday nights, he shared in quiet tones about the prisons where he played and ministered, never in a “look at me” kind of way, but rather with a childlike wonder about what God was doing through the faith of those men.

As you travel with the Father, who are you mentoring? It doesn’t have to be in the area of music. Can you encourage other writers? Those beginning to enjoy the RV lifestyle? Someone learning to study the Bible on their own for the first time?

I hope my face mirrors the joy on Ronnie’s as he played with younger musicians like Megan. I hope my focus isn’t on producing perfection, but on joyful encouragement and worship. Ronnie’s lessons continue to echo in my life as I travel with the Father. May I faithfully strum the strings of faith and family in simple songs until we get to worship together again.

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